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Friday, November 5, 2010

Here we are again!

So the Holiday season is here upon us again. It seems that we start earlier and earlier each year. Black Friday sales already starting this weekend. I am not ready for it!

This year, however, may be a little easier for me. I no longer have an Etsy shop open and do not have to worry about creating projects that will just sit there and not sell. I have racked my brain as to why my stuff wouldn't sell and it is just that so many people can crochet my items are no longer "different." Oh well, back to the subject at hand..

My husband and I were discussing Christmas gifts for my two daughters. Every year we get them things that end up being played with for maybe two weeks tops and then get thrown in the closet to collect dust. So we have been trying to rack our brains as to what to do. I have a large amount of yarn and craft supplies sitting in my office closet. You crafters will know what I mean when I say play supplies. Those things that are left over from bigger projects and are just lying around awaiting a way to be used.

So I got an inventory done of these scrap items and dug through patterns and did online searches for patterns and have the starting of a plan!

My youngest loves Barbies and has about 8 of them. She loves to take of the clothes and play dress up. So I am going to make her a bunch of crochet clothes for them and then make a plastic canvas bed that doubles as a storage chest. My oldest daughter is going to get a media purse to carry her MP3 player in and some stuff for her stuffed cats for which she has a lot of. That is the beginning of the plans. Luckily these projects are fast moving and I can work on them after the girls go to bed.

I wonder how many others will be doing the same? Please feel free to share!