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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thankful Thursday. I, in my rush to get so many things done, often times forget what I need and should be thankful for. I forgot this until I started reading some of the blogs that I follow so.....What can I say :-)

I am thankful today for so many things. The first thing is to some maybe minor, but to me major..I am thankful not to have a migraine today. I have been having a lot of them lately and just got over a doozy, so for that I am very thankful.

I am thankful for a husband who comes home from work early when my head hurts and takes care of my little angels so I can close my eyes and rest.

I am at last but not least thankful for my children. My son who is out there living his own life and the two little daughters given to us when we thought there would be none. All three are the joys of my life, even if they don't realize it!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

So Happy Today

I just feel so happy today! I am not really sure as to why, but I am. It could be that the sun is out and it is warm. It could be because I feel so blessed to have a loving husband and 3 adorable children ,even if my son feels he is too big for his momma. It may be because I am almost done with my newest afghan project (would be finished if I got off of this computer, LOL).

What ever the reason I wish I could feel like this all the time!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Please be patient

Okay, so life has been a little busy for me to say the least. I am trying to finish up the remodel of the bathroom, trying to finish up my latest afghan, tyring to be a good wife and mother (hahaha) and work! I know that many people are in the same predicament as I am and have a lot more on their plate, but to me this is a lot.

I just wanted to drop in to let those of you how read this, that I have not disappeared and that I should be back in full swing soon. I am hoping to have the bathroom done tomorrow at the latest. We ran into some problems with the installation of the vanity and ended up having to call in plumbers to finish the job, and a great job they did I must say. The plumbing in the house is old and adjustments had to be made that I could not do nor did I have the tools to do. It did not put us out of budget too much, which is a good thing. Then we realized that the wall in which we were going to put up a new medicine cabinet was not strong enough to support it and the studs did not line up right to put it in. We have decided to put up just a plain mirror and for now have my decorative bedroom mirror up. I think we are going to pick up a new mirror tonight. But that is the saga. I will have pics soon and you can tell me whatcha think.

My crocheting has been neglected and I can really feel it! I think that I crocheted a little Friday, but that has been it. I will do some today.

Speaking of that, I better sign off for now so I can get to the point in which I can sit down and crochet!

Later all!!!!!!